Oscar A Alcober

Rogers K C, Martínez R N, Colombi C, Rogers R R, & Alcober O. 2024.

Osteohistological insight into the growth dynamics of early dinosaurs and their contemporaries.

PLoS ONE 19, e0298242.

Yáñez I, Pol D, Leardi J M, Alcober O A, & Martínez R N. 2021.

An enigmatic new archosauriform from the Carnian–Norian, Upper Triassic, Ischigualasto Formation of northwestern Argentina.

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66, 509-533.

Colombi C, Martínez R N, Césari S N, Alcober O, Limarino C O, & Montañez I. 2021.

A high-precision U-Pb zircon age constraints the timing of the faunistic and palynofloristic events of the Carnian Ischigualasto Formation, San Juan, Argentina.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences 111, 103433.

Wynd B M, Martínez R N, Colombi C, & Alcober O. 2020.

A review of vertebrate beak morphologies in the Triassic; a framework to characterize an enigmatic beak from the Ischigualasto Formation, San Juan, Argentina.

Ameghiniana 57, 370-387.

Santi Malnis P, Colombi C E, Rothis L M, & Alcober O. 2020.

Fluvial architecture and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Los Colorados Formation (Norian): Postrift stage of the Ischigualasto-Villa Union Basin, NW Argentina.

Journal of Sedimentary Research 90, 1436-1462.

Correa G, Bodnar J, Colombi C, Santi Malnis P, Praderio A, Martínez R, ..., & Alcober O. 2019.

Systematics and taphonomy of fossil woods from a new locality in the Upper Triassic Carrizal Formation of the El Gigantillo area (Marayes – El Carrizal Basin), San Juan, Argentina.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90, 94-106.

Martínez R N, Alcober O A, & Pol D. 2018.

A new protosuchid crocodyliform (Pseudosuchia, Crocodylomorpha) from the Norian Los Colorados Formation, northwestern Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 38, e1491047.

Apaldetti C, Martínez R N, Cerda I A, Pol D, & Alcober O. 2018.

An early trend towards gigantism in Triassic sauropodomorph dinosaurs.

Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 1227-1232.

Colombi C E, Limarino C O, & Alcober O A. 2017.

Allogenic controls on the fluvial architecture and fossil preservation of the Upper Triassic Ischigualasto Formation, NW Argentina.

Sedimentary Geology 362, 1-16.

Drovandi J M, Colombi C E, Bodnar J, Ejarque Y, Garcia G, Santi Malnis P, ..., & Alcober O. 2016.

Evidencias preliminares de un bosque destruido por un evento volcaniclástico en el Triásico de Formación El Alcázar, Cuenca Cuyana, San Juan, Argentina [Preliminary evidence of a forest destroyed by a volcaniclastic event in the Triassic El Alcázar Formation, Cuyana Basin, San Juan, Argentina].

Acta Geológica Lilloana 28, 94-100.

Giaccardi M, Alcober O A, Colombi C, Durán V, & Giannoni S M. 2015

Plan de Manejo del Parque Natural Provincial Ischigualasto, Provincia de San Juan, Argentina. Patrimonio Natural de la Humanidad. Tomo I, Caracterización y Diagnóstico. Actualización 2015 [Management Plan of the Ischigualasto Provincial Natural Park, Province of San Juan, Argentina. Natural Heritage of Humanity. Volume I, Characterization and Identity. Update 2015].

290 pp.

Giaccardi M, Alcober O A, Colombi C, Durán V, & Giannoni S M. 2015

Plan de Manejo del Parque Natural Provincial Ischigualasto, Provincia de San Juan, Argentina. Patrimonio Natural de la Humanidad. Tomo II, zonificación, estatuto jurídico y programas de manejo. Actalización 2015-2025[Management Plan of the Ischigualasto Provincial Natural Park, Province of San Juan, Argentina. Natural Heritage of Humanity. Volume II, zoning, legal status and management programs. Update 2015-2025].

95 pp.

Martínez R N, Apaldetti C, Correa G, Colombi C E, Fernández E, Santi Malnis P, ..., & Alcober O A. 2015.

A new late Triassic vertebrate assemblage from northwestern Argentina.

Ameghiniana 52, 379-390.

Colombi C E, Santi-Malnis P, Correa G A, Martínez R N, Fernández E, Abelín D, ..., Alcober O, & Drovandi J. 2015.

La Formación Balde de Leyes, una nueva unidad estratigráfica de la Cuenca Triásica de Marayes – El Carrizal, San Juan [The Balde de Leyes Formation, a new stratigraphic unit from the Triassic Marayes – El Carrizal Basin].

Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 72, 445-455.

Colombi C E, Martínez R N, Correa G, Fernández E, Malnis P S, Praderio A, ..., Alcober O, & Aguilar-Cameo A. 2015.

First Argentine microfossil bonebed from the Upper Triassic Marayes – El Carrizal Basin, San Juan Province.

Palaios 30, 743-757.

Kent D V, Santi Malnis P, Colombi C E, Alcober O A, & Martínez R N. 2014.

Age constraints on the dispersal of dinosaurs in the Late Triassic from magnetochronology of the Los Colorados Formation (Argentina).

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, 7958-7963.

Martínez R N, Fernández E, & Alcober O A. 2013.

A new non-mammaliaform eucynodont from the Carnian–Norian Ischigualasto Formation, northwestern Argentina.

Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 16, 61-76.

Martínez R N, Apaldetti C, Colombi C E, Praderio A, Fernández E, Santi Malnis P, ..., & Alcober O. 2013.

A new sphenodontian (Lepidosauria: Rhynchocephalia) from the Late Triassic of Argentina and the early origin of the herbivore opisthodontians.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280, 20132057.

Martínez R N, Apaldetti C, Praderio A, Fernández E, Colombi C E, Alcober O, ..., & Abelín D. 2013.

New vertebrate findings shed light on the controversial age of the Quebrada del Barro Formation (Marayes – El Carrizal Basin)

Ameghiniana 50, R47-R48.

Colombi C E, Santi Malnis P, Correa G A, Martínez R N, Fernández E, Apaldetti C, …, & Alcober O. 2013

Una nueva unidad estratigráfica de edad jurásica inferior en la cuenca Marayes – El Carrizal, San Juan [A new stratigraphic unit of lower Jurassic age in the Marayes – El Carrizal Basin, San Juan]

Ameghiniana 50, R40-R40.

Trotteyn M J, Martínez R N, & Alcober O A. 2012.

A new proterochampsid Chanaresuchus ischigualastensis (Siapsida, Archosauriformes) in the early Late Triassic Ischigualasto Formation, Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32, 485-489.

Sereno P C, Martínez R N, & Alcober O A. 2012.

Osteology of Eoraptor lunensis (Dinosauria, Sauropodomorpha).

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32, 83-179.

Martínez R N, Apaldetti C, Alcober O A, Colombi C E, Sereno P C, Fernández E, ..., & Abelín D. 2012.

Vertebrate succession in the Ischigualasto Formation.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32, 10-30.

Colombi C E, Rogers R R, & Alcober O A. 2012.

Vertebrate taphonomy of the Ischigualasto Formation.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32, 31-50.

Colombi C E, Fernández E, Currie B S, Alcober O A, Martínez R, & Correa G. 2012.

Large-diameter burrows of the Triassic Ischigualasto Basin, NW Argentina: Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental implications.

PLoS ONE 7, e50662.

Abelín D, Alcober O A, Apaldetti C, Colombi C E, Correa G, Fernández E, …, & Santi Malnis P. 2012

Nuevos hallazgos de sauropodomorfos (Dinosauria: Saurischia) en la Formación Quebrada del Barro, cuenca Marayes – El Carrizal (Triásico-Jurásico?), provincia de San Juan [New findings of sauropodomorphs (Dinosauria: Saurischia) in the Quebrada del Barro Formation, Marayes – El Carrizal basin (Triassic-Jurassic?), province of San Juan]

Ameghiniana 49, R40-R40.

Trotteyn M J, Desojo J B, & Alcober O A. 2011.

Nuevo material postcraneano de Saurosuchus galilei Reig (Archosauria: Crurotarsi) del Triásico Superior del Centro-Oeste de Argentina [New postcranial material of Saurosuchus galilei Reig (Archosauria: Crurotarsi) from the Late Triassic of central-western Argentina].

Ameghiniana 48, 13-27.

Martínez R N, Sereno P C, Alcober O A, Colombi C E, Renne P R, Montañez I P, & Currie B S. 2011.

A basal dinosaur from the dawn of the dinosaur era in southwestern Pangaea.

Science 331, 206-210.

Apaldetti C, Martínez R N, Alcober O A, & Pol D. 2011.

A new basal sauropodomorph (Dinosauria: Saurischia) from Quebrada del Barro Formation (Marayes – El Carrizal Basin), northwestern Argentina.

PLoS ONE 6, e26964.

Alcober O A & Martínez R N. 2010.

A new herrerasaurid (Dinosauria, Saurischia) from the Upper Triassic Ischigualasto Formation of northwestern Argentina.

ZooKeys 63, 55-81.

Martínez R N & Alcober O A. 2009.

A basal sauropodomorph (Dinosauria: Saurischia) from the Ischigualasto Formation (Triassic, Carnian) and the early evolution of Sauropodomorpha.

PLoS ONE 4, e4397.

Sereno P C, Martínez R N, Wilson J A, Varricchio D J, Alcober O A, & Larsson H C E. 2008.

Evidence for avian intrathoracic air sacs in a new predatory dinosaur from Argentina.

PLoS ONE 3, e3303.

Alcober O, Martínez R, & Colombi C. 2008.

Parque Provincial Ischigualasto. La Cuna de los dinosaurios. Sitios de Interés Geológico de Argentina.

Anales 46, 1-446.

Martinez R, Alcober O, Colombi C, Heredia G, Díaz C, Fernández E, ..., & Jofre C. 2006.

22nd Argentinian Paleontology Conferences on Vertebrates: San Juan, 22nd to 24th May 2006: Abstracts.

Ameghiniana 43, 23R-59R.

Hollocher K T, Alcober O A, Colombi C E, & Hollocher T C. 2005.

Carnivore coprolites from the Upper Triassic Ischigualasto Formation, Argentina: Chemistry, mineralogy, and evidence for rapid initial mineralization.

Palaios 20, 51-63.

Martínez R, Alcober O, Fernández E, Trotteyn M, Colombi C, & Heredia G. 2004.

A new prosauropod dinosaur from the Quebrada del Barro Formation (Upper Triassic?), Marayes Basin, northwestern Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24, 89A-89A.

Colombi C & Alcober O. 2004.

Taphofacies characterization of the Ischigualasto Formation (Upper Triassic).

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24, 47A-47A.

Alcober O, Martínez R, Heredia G, Colombi C, Olivares I, & Trotteyn M. 2004.

New vertebrate findings in the Upper Triassic Los Colorados Formation, Ischigualasto Basin, northwestern Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24, 34A-34A.

Kokogian D A, Spalletti L A, Morel E M, Artabe A E, Martínez R N, Alcobar O A, …, & Zavattieri A M. 2001

Estratigrafía del Triásico argentino [Stratigraphy of the Argentine Triassic].

In: El Sistema Triásico en la Argentina [The Triassic System in Argentina]. Artabe A E, Moel E M, & Zamuner A B (eds.). La Plata: Fundación Museo de La Plata “Francisco Pascasio Moreno”; 23-54.

Alcober O. 2000.

Redescription of the skull of Saurosuchus galilei (Archosauria: Rauisuchidae).

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20, 302-316.

Wilson J A, Martínez R N, & Alcober O. 1999.

Distal tail segment of a titanosaur (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Mendoza, Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19, 591-594.

Rowe T, Ketcham R, Guan J, Alcober O, & Dufeau D. 1999.

High-resolution X-ray CT study of the primitive bird Confuciusornis.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19, 72A-72A.

Kokogian D A, Spalletti L, Morel E, Artabe A, Martínez R N, Alcobar O A, …, & Papú O H. 1999

Los depósitos continentales triásicos [Triassic continental deposits].

Anales 29, 377-398.

Alcober O, Sereno P C, Larsson H C E, Martínez R N, & Varricchio D J. 1998.

A Late Cretaceous carcharodontosaurid (Theropoda: Allosauroidea) from Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18, 23A-23A.

Alcober O A, Milana J P, & Martinez R N. 1997.

Paleogeography of the Ischigualasto Formation and its influence on paleovertebrate communities.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17, 28A-29A.

Alcober O & Parrish J M. 1997.

A new poposaurid from the Upper Triassic of Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17, 548-556.

Milana J P, Martínez R N, & Alcober O A. 1995.

A new dinosaur locality of Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic Age from San Juan Province, Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15, 44A-45A.

Martínez R N, Milana J P, & Alcober O A. 1995.

Taphonomy of a basal portion of the Ischigualasto Formation, Upper Triassic, San Juan Province, Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15, 43A-44A.

Alcober O A, Martínez R N, Bianchi J L, Milana J P, & Bauza L. 1995.

A new fossil locality from the Cretaceous of Mendoza, Argentina.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15, 16A-16A.

Parrish J M & Alcober O. 1992.

A new poposaurid from the Upper Triassic of Argentina and a consideration of poposaurid phylogeny.

Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 12, 46A-47A.

Milana J P & Alcober O A. 1994.

Modelo tectosedimentario de la cuenca triásica de Ischigualasto (San Juan, Argentina [Tectosedimentary model of the Triassic Ischigualasto Basin, San Juan, Argentina].

Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 49, 217-235