
Rodriguez Muñoz MJ, Martínez TA, Acosta R, Acosta JC, Blanco G, Murúa F, & Díaz L. 2017

Liolaemus chacoensis (Chaco sand lizard). Predation.

Herpetological Review 48, 193-193.

Liolaemus chacoensis is distributed in the Chaco ecoregion from Paraguay to Argentina (Cei 1993. Reptiles del Noroeste y Este de la Argentina Herpetofauna de las Selvas Subtropicales, Puna y Pampas. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali. Torino. 949 pp.). Its biology is poorly known (Fitzgerald et al. 1999. J. Herpetol. 526–535; Pelegrin and Bucher. 2015. J. Nat. Hist. 49:2693–2708; but see the following for reproductive season: Cruz and Ramírez Pinilla 1996. Rev. Esp. Herpetol. 10:33–39). Herein we report an observation of a L. chacoensis being preyed up on by a scorpion.

At 1900 h on 19 June 2016, in La Majadita, Valle Fértil, San Juan Province, Argentina (30.70014°S, 67.49906°W, WGS 84; 978 m elev.), we discovered a juvenile female Liolaemus chacoensis (SLV = 39 mm) being preyed upon by a scorpion, Urophonius brachycentrus. The two were under a log, with the lizard, undigested, clutched in the scorpion’s pedipalps.

Murúa F, Acosta LE, Acosta JC, & Coria C. 2002

Primeros registros de Tityus trivittatus Kraepelin (Scorpiones, Buthidae) en el oeste Argentino [First records of Tityus trivittatus Kraepelin (Scorpiones, Buthidae) from western Argentina].

Multequina 11, 75-78.

The first records of the synantropic scorpion Tityus trivittatus (Buthidae) from the Argentinean provinces of San Juan and La Rioja are provided, representing the westernmost known localities of the species. Specimens were collected either in urban or periurban areas; it is suggested that this scorpion may be involved in an ongoing expansion process.

Image: Walter L. Rohrmann

Murúa AF, Díaz-Nieto LM, & Florencia, C. 2018

Arañas, Alacranes y Mosquitos de Importancia Sanitaria en San Juan: Explorando caminos de encuentro con la naturaleza [Spiders, Scorpions and Mosquitoes of Health Importance in San Juan: Exploring paths of encounter with nature]

San Juan: Universidad Nacional de San Juan; 113 pp.