Leonardo M Díaz-Nieto

Suárez L, Biancheri M J B, Díaz Nieto L M, Schliserman P, Murúa F, Rull J, ..., & Ovruski S M. 2023.

Dynamic seasonal response of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) to fruit juice-based lures in fig orchards.

International Journal of Pest Management 69, 346-358.

Quiroga G, Díaz-Nieto L M, Murúa A F, Flores G E, & Aballay F H. 2023.

Diversidad comparada de Tenebriónidos (Coleoptera) en dos ambientes con diferentes usos del suelo [Comparative diversity of tenebrionids (Coleoptera) in two environments with different land uses].

Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales 25, 275-286.

Rull J, Lasa R, Suárez L, Díaz Nieto L M, & Ovruski S M. 2022.

Dynamic tephritid fruit fly response to olfactory and visual cues and the importance of foraging behavior for trap design and use.

In: Studies of Fruit Flies and their Behaviors. Mello Garcia F M (ed). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science; 73-86.

Guillemain M J, Díaz Nieto L M, Suárez L, Rull J, Ovruski S, Acosta J C, ..., & Murúa F. 2021.

Offseason medfly trapping using makeshift fruit-based and wine vinegar baits.

Neotropical Entomology 50, 289-297.

Díaz-Nieto L M, Florencia Gil M, Nicolas Lazarte J, Perotti M A, & Berón C M. 2021.

Culex quinquefasciatus carrying Wolbachia is less susceptible to entomopathogenic bacteria.

Scientific Reports 11, 1094.

Battaglia M E, Díaz-Nieto L M, & Berón C M. 2021.

Molecular tool for monitoring the safety of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti Rockefeller rearing in arthropod containment facilities.

Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 65, e20200115.

Díaz Nieto L M, Murúa A F, Cano F A, Laurito M, Almirón W R, & Salvá L. 2020.

New records of Culicidae (Diptera) in agricultural oases of San Juan Province, Argentina.

Check List 16, 1085-1093.

Garcia M I, Murúa A F, Díaz-Nieto L M, Acosta J C, de Los Ríos C, Cano F A, & Blanco G M. 2019.

Assessment of the predatory capacity on mosquito larvae of Jenynsia multidentata (Anablepidae) in presence of vegetation under laboratory conditions.

Iheringia Série Zoologia 109, 1-6.

Rodriguez Muñoz M J, Martínez T A, Acosta R, Acosta J C, Blanco G, Murúa F, & Díaz L. 2017.

Liolaemus chacoensis (Chaco sand lizard). Predation.

Herpetological Review 48, 193-193.

Lopez R P, Díaz-Nieto L M, & Berón C M. 2016.

Nuevo hospedador y distribución del parásito de mosquitos Strelkovimermis spiculatus [New host and distribution for the mosquito parasite Strelkovimermis spiculatus].

Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 75, 101-104.

Díaz-Nieto L M, D'Alessio C, Perotti M A, & Berón C M. 2016.

Culex pipiens development is greatly influenced by native bacteria and exogenous yeast.

PLoS ONE 11, e0153133.

Díaz-Nieto L M, Chiappero M B, Díaz de Astarloa C, Macia A, Gardenal C N, & Berón C M. 2016.

Genetic evidence of expansion by passive transport of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti in eastern Argentina.

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10, e0004839.

Berón C M, Campos RE, Gleiser R, Díaz-Nieto L M, Salomón O D, & Schweigmann N (eds). 2016.

Investigaciones sobre Mosquitos de Argentina [Research on Mosquitoes in Argentina].

Mar del Plata: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; 380 pp.

Díaz-Nieto L M, Berrón C I, Maciá A, & Berón C M. 2016.

Taxonomía molecular de mosquitos [Molecular taxonomy of mosquitoes].

In: Investigaciones sobre Mosquitos de Argentina [Research on Mosquitoes in Argentina]. Berón C M, Campos RE, Gleiser R, Díaz-Nieto L M, Salomón O D, & Schweigmann N (eds). Mar del Plata: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; 33-45.

Berón C M, Díaz-Nieto L M, Lazarte J N, & Lopez R P. 2016.

Bacterias como agentes de control biológico de poblaciones de mosquitos [Bacteria as biological control agents of mosquito populations].

In: Investigaciones sobre Mosquitos de Argentina [Research on Mosquitoes in Argentina]. Berón C M, Campos RE, Gleiser R, Díaz-Nieto L M, Salomón O D, & Schweigmann N (eds). Mar del Plata: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; 251-268.

Díaz-Nieto L M, Maciá A, Perotti M A, & Berón C M. 2013.

Geographical limits of the southeastern distribution of Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) in Argentina.

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7, e1963.

Díaz-Nieto L M, Maciá A, Parisi G, Farina J L, Vidal-Domínguez M E, Perotti M A, & Berón C M. 2013.

Distribution of mosquitoes in the south east of Argentina and first report on the analysis based on 18S rDNA and COI sequences.

PLoS ONE 8, e75516.

Díaz L M, Murúa F A, Acosta J C, & Escobar J M. 2008.

Capacidad dispersiva de Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) entre valles agricolas en San Juan, Argentina [Dispersal behaviour of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) among agricultural valleys in San Juan, Argentina].

Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 67, 155-161.