M Alejandra Perotti

Perotti M A. 2024.

A note from the new Editor-in-Chief.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 92, 307-307.

Saloña-Bordas M I, Spooner A, & Perotti M A. 2023.

Four hundred and sixty-two mites for the ride: The phoretic companions of a historical Nicrophorus specimen (Coleoptera, Silphidae).

Acarologia 63, 1030-1038.Saloña-Bordas M I, Spooner A, & Perotti M A. 2023

Perotti M A, Pashkova O, & Braig H R. 2023.

Mass graves constitute a unique niche for forensic biological traces.

In S Tyuleniev (Ed.), Актуальні Питання Судової Експертизи і Криміналістики [Current Issues of Forensic Examinations and Criminalistics] (pp. 27-31). Kharkiv: Pravo Publishing House.

Flores G A M, Lopez R P, Cerrudo C S, Perotti M A, Consolo V F, & Berón C M. 2023.

Wolbachia dominance influences the Culex quinquefasciatus microbiota.

Scientific Reports 13, 18980.

Smith G, Manzano Marín A, Reyes-Prieto M, Antunes C S R, Ashworth V, Goselle O N, ..., Perotti M A, & Braig H R. 2022.

Human follicular mites: Ectoparasites become symbionts.

Molecular Biology and Evolution 39, msac125.

Rai J K, Pickles B J, & Perotti M A. 2022.

The impact of the decomposition process of shallow graves on soil mite abundance.

Journal of Forensic Sciences 67, 605-618.

Perotti M A & Braig H R. 2022.

The arthropods of corpses from above ground and from deep below.

Zoosymposia 22, 149-152.

Pedersen M W, Antunes C, De Cahsan B, Moreno-Mayar J V, Sikora M, Vinner L, ..., & Perotti M A. 2022.

Ancient human genomes and environmental DNA from the cement attaching 2,000 year-old head lice nits.

Molecular Biology and Evolution 39, msab351.

Hani M, Saloña-Bordas M I, & Perotti M A. 2022.

New records of Xenanoetus species (Astigmata: Histiostomatidae) in western Europe, and their association with pig carcasses.

Biologia 77, 731-737.

Farahi S, Shishehbor P, Nemati A, & Perotti M A. 2022.

Mesostigmata diversity by manure type: A reference study and new datasets from southwestern Iran.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 86, 517-534.

Saloña Bordas M I, Morales Rayo J, & Perotti M A. 2021.

New observations of the biology of the "white-clawed crayfish" Austropotamobius italicus (Faxon) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Astacidae); association with decomposition or remains.

Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 68, 199-202.

Rai J K, Pickles B J, & Perotti M A. 2021.

Assemblages of Acari in shallow burials: Mites as markers of the burial environment, of the stage of decay and of body-cadaver regions.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 85, 247-276.

Díaz-Nieto L M, Gil M F, Lazarte J N, Perotti M A, & Berón C M. 2021.

Culex quinquefasciatus carrying Wolbachia is less susceptible to entomopathogenic bacteria.

Scientific Reports 11, 1094.

Sumner-Kalkun J C, Baxter I, & Perotti M A. 2020.

Microscopic analysis of the microbiota of three commercial Phytoseiidae species (Acari: Mesostigmata).

Experimental and Applied Acarology 81, 389-408.

Rai J K, Amendt J, Bernhardt V, Pasquerault T, Lindstrom A, & Perotti M A. 2020.

Mites (Acari) as a relevant tool in trace evidence and postmortem analyses of buried corpses.

Journal of Forensic Sciences 65, 2174-2183.

Raad M, Azar D, & Perotti M A. 2020.

First Report of the ticks Haemaphysalis punctata Canestrini et Fanzago, 1878, Haemaphysalis parva (Neumann, 1897) and Dermacentor marginatus (Sulzer, 1776) (Acari, Amblyommidae) from humans in Lebanon.

Acta Parasitologica 65, 541-545.

Martinez-Sañudo I, Perotti M A, Scaccini D, Pozzebon A, Marri L, & Mazzon L. 2020.

Co-haplotyping symbiont and host to unravel invasion pathways of the exotic pest Halyomorpha halys in Italy.

Scientific Reports 10,18441.

Perotti M A & Braig H R. 2019.

Acarology in crimino-legal investigations: The human acarofauna during life and death.

In J H Byrd & J K Tomberlin (Eds.), Forensic Entomology: The utility of arthropods in legal investigations (3rd ed.). Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis.

Lambiase S & Perotti M A. 2019.

Using human head lice to unravel neglect and cause of death.

Parasitology 146, 678-684.

Szelecz I, Lösch S, Seppey C V W, Lara E, Singer D, Sorge F, ..., Perotti M A, & Mitchell E A D. 2018.

Comparative analysis of bones, mites, soil chemistry, nematodes and soil micro-eukaryotes from a suspected homicide to estimate the post-mortem interval.

Scientific Reports 8, 25.

Hani M, Thieven U, & Perotti M A. 2018.

Soil bulb mites as trace evidence for the location of buried money.

Forensic Science International 292, e25-e30.

Che Kamaruzaman N A, Mašán P, Velásquez Y, González-Medina A, Lindström A, Braig H R, & Perotti M A. 2018.

Macrocheles species (Acari: Macrochelidae) associated with human corpses in Europe.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 76, 453-471.

Pekas A, Palevsky E, Sumner J C, Perotti M A, Nesvorna M, & Hubert J. 2017.

Comparison of bacterial microbiota of the predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and its factitious prey Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acari: Acaridae).

Scientific Reports 7, 2.

Miranda R J, Cleghorn J E, Bermudez S E, & Perotti M A. 2017.

Occurrence of the mite Ophionyssus natricis (Acari: Macronyssidae) on captive snakes from Panama.

Acarologia 57, 365-368.

Perotti M A, Young D K, & Braig H R. 2016.

The ghost sex-life of the paedogenetic beetle Micromalthus debilis.

Scientific Reports 6, 27364.

Hubert J, Kopecky J, Nesvorna M, Perotti M A, & Erban T. 2016.

Detection and localization of Solitalea-like and Cardinium bacteria in three Acarus siro populations (Astigmata: Acaridae).

Experimental and Applied Acarology 70, 309-327.

Díaz-Nieto L M, D'Alessio C, Perotti M A, & Berón C M. 2016.

Culex pipiens development Is greatly influenced by native bacteria and exogenous yeast.

PLoS ONE 11, e0153133.

Saloña Bordas M I, Bahillo de la Puebla P, Díaz Martín B, Sumner J, & Perotti M A. 2015.

Ixodes ricinus (Ixodidae), an occasional phoront on necrophagous and coprophagous beetles in Europe.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 65, 243-248.

Perotti M A, Saloña-Bordas M l, & Braig H R. 2015.

Hidden passengers and microscopical witnesses: phoretic mites of forensically important insects.

Antenna Special Edition 2015, 111-111.

Braig H R. & Perotti M A 2015.

From Insects to Mites: From classic tales of bioterrorism to trace evidence in forensic acarology.

Antenna Special Edition 2015, 112-113.

Saloña Bordas M I, & Perotti M A. 2014.

First contribution of mites (Acari) to the forensic analysis of hanged corpses: A case study from Spain.

Forensic Science International 244, e6-e11.

Mašán P, Perotti M A, Saloña Bordas M I, & Braig H R. 2013.

Proctolaelaps euserratus, an ecologically unusual melicharid mite (Acari, Mesostigmata) associated with animal and human decomposition.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 61, 415-429.

Kopecky J, Perotti M A, Nesvorna M, Erban T, & Hubert J. 2013.

Cardinium endosymbionts are widespread in synanthropic mite species (Acari: Astigmata).

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 112, 20-23.

González Medina A, González Herrera L, Perotti M A, & Jiménez Ríos G. 2013.

Occurrence of Poecilochirus austroasiaticus (Acari: Parasitidae) in forensic autopsies and its application on postmortem interval estimation.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 59, 297-305.

Dubuffet A, Smith J E, Solter L, Perotti M A, Braig H R, & Dunn A M. 2013.

Specific detection and localization of microsporidian parasites in invertebrate hosts by using in situ hybridization.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79, 385-388.

Díaz-Nieto L M, Maciá A, Perotti M A, & Berón C M. 2013.

Geographical limits of the southeastern distribution of Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) in Argentina.

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7, e1963.

Díaz-Nieto L M, Maciá A, Parisi G, Farina J L, Vidal-Domínguez M E, Perotti M A, & Berón C M. 2013.

Distribution of mosquitoes in the south east of Argentina and first report on the analysis based on 18S rDNA and COI sequences.

PLoS ONE 8, e75516.

Mašán P, Simpson C, Perotti M A, & Braig H R. 2012.

Mites parasitic on Australasian and African spiders found in the pet trade; A redescription of Ljunghia pulleinei Womersley.

PLoS ONE 7, e39019.

Hubert J, Kopecký J, Perotti M A, Nesvorná M, Braig H R, Ságová-Marečková M, ..., & Zurek L. 2012.

Detection and identification of species-specific bacteria associated with synanthropic mites.

Microbial Ecology 63, 919-928.

Perotti M A & Braig H R. 2011.

Eukaryotic ectosymbionts of Acari.

Journal of Applied Entomology 135, 514-523.

Perotti M A, Braig H R, & Goff M L. 2010.

Phoretic mites and carcasses: Acari transported by organisms associated with animal and human decomposition.

In J Amendt, C P Campobasso, M L Goff, & M Grassberger (Eds.), Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology (pp. 69-92). Dordrecht: Springer.

Perotti M A, & Braig H R. 2010.

Acarology in criminolegal investigations: the human acarofauna during life and death.

In J H Byrd & J L Castner (Eds.), Forensic Entomology: the Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations (2nd ed., pp. 637-649). Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis.

Kirkness E F, Haas B J, Sun W, Braig H R, Perotti M A, Clark J M, ..., & Pittendrigh B R. 2010.

Genome sequences of the human body louse and its primary endosymbiont provide insights into the permanent parasitic lifestyle.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, 12168-12173.

Frost C L, Braig H R, Amendt J, & Perotti M A. 2010.

Indoor arthropods of forensic importance: Insects associated with indoor decomposition and mites as indoor markers.

In J Amendt, C P Campobasso, M L Goff, & M Grassberger (Eds.), Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology (pp. 93-108). Dordrecht: Springer.

Perotti M A, Kirkness E F, Reed D L, & Braig H R. 2009.

Endosymbionts of lice.

In K Bourtzis & T A Miller (Eds.), Insect Symbiosis 3 (pp. 205-219). Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis.

Perotti M A, Goff M L, Baker A S, Turner B D, & Braig H R. 2009.

Forensic acarology, an introduction.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 49, 3-13.

Perotti M A & Braig H R. 2009.

Phoretic mites associated with animal and human decomposition.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 49, 85-124.

Perotti M A. 2009.

Special Issue: Forensic Acarology – Preface.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 49, 1-2.

Perotti M A. 2009.

Mégnin re-analysed: The case of the newborn baby girl, Paris, 1878.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 49, 37-44.

Braig H R, Turner B D, & Perotti M A. 2009.

Symbiotic Rickettsia.

In Insect symbiosis 3 (pp. 221-249). Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis.

Braig H R, & Perotti M A. 2009.

Carcasses and mites.

Experimental and Applied Acarology 49, 45-84.

Allen J M, Light J E, Perotti M A, Braig H R, & Reed D L. 2009.

Mutational meltdown in primary endosymbionts: Selection limits Muller's ratchet.

PLoS ONE 4, e4969.

Perotti M A, Allen J M, Reed D L, & Braig H R. 2007.

Host-symbiont interactions of the primary endosymbiont of human head and body lice.

FASEB Journal 21, 1058-1066.

Allen J M, Reed D L, Perotti M A, & Braig H R. 2007.

Evolutionary relationships of "Candidatus Riesia spp.," endosymbiotic Enterobacteriaceae living within hematophagous primate lice.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73, 1659-1664.

Perotti M A, Turner B D, Baker A S, & Braig H R. 2006.

Forensic Acarology.

4th Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology, Bari, Italy.

Perotti M A, Clarke H K, Turner B D, & Braig H R. 2006.

Rickettsia as obligate and mycetomic bacteria.

FASEB Journal 20, 2372-2374.

Perotti M A, & Braig H R. 2005.

Endosymbionts of Acari.

Phytophaga 14, 457-474.

Perotti M A, Catalá S S, Ormeño A D, Zelazowska M, Bilinski S M, & Braig H R. 2004.

The sex ratio distortion in the human head louse is conserved over time.

BMC Genetics 5, e10.

Perotti M A & Lysyk T J. 2003.

Novel growth media for rearing larval horn flies, Haematobia irritans (Diptera: Muscidae).

Journal of Medical Entomology 40, 22-29.

Perotti M A, Lysyk T J, Kalischuk-Tymensen L D, Yanke L J, & Selinger L B. 2001.

Growth and survival of immature Haematobia irritans (Diptera: Muscidae) is influenced by bacteria isolated from cattle manure and conspecific larvae.

Journal of Medical Entomology 38, 180-187.

Perotti M A. 2001.

Prey location and predation rates of predatory mites (Acari: Macrochelidae) on immature stages of pest flies (Diptera: Muscidae).

Systematic and Applied Acarology 6, 27-33.

Perotti M A. 2000.

Acaros foréticos (Acari: Pygmephoridae) de la mosca de los cuernos Haematobia irritans (L.). Aspectos ecológicos de la interacción [Phoretic mites of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans (L.). Ecology of the interaction].

Revista de Medicina Veterinaria 80, 449-452.

Perotti M A & Bachmann J A. 1999.

First record and population ecology of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) on cattle from the south-east of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina).

Research and Reviews in Parasitology 59, 47-51.

Centeno N & Perotti M A. 1999.

Acaros vinculados a procesos de descomposición de cadáveres y sus posibles asociaciones foréticas [Acari linked to processes of decomposition of cadavers and their possible phoretic associations].

XIX Reunión Argentina de Ecología, Tucumán, Argentina.

Perotti M A & Brasesco M J A. 1998.

First record of Pediculaster (Acari: Pygmophoridae) for Argentina, collected on the horn fly Haematobia irritans L (Diptera, Muscidae).

Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 57, 136.

Perotti M A. 1998.

Interacciones entre ácaros (depredadores y foréticos) y dípteros muscoideos (presas y forontes) en hábitats rurales y suburbanos de la pendiente atlántica bonaerense [Predatory and phoretic interactions between mites and flies in the Argentinean pampas (ecology and physiology)]

Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata.

Perotti M A & Brasesco M J A. 1997.

Orientación química de Macrocheles muscaedomesticae Scopoli (Acari: Macrochelidae) y percepción a distancia de posturas de Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) y Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) [Chemo-orientation of Macrocheles muscaedomesticae Scopoli (Acari: Macrochelidae) and detection of distant eggs of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) and Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae)].

Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 56, 67-70.

Perotti M A & Brasesco M J A. 1996.

Especificidad forética de Macrocheles muscaedomesticae (Acari: Macrochelidae) [Phoretic specificity of Macrocheles muscaedomesticae (Acari: Macrochelidae)].

Ecología Austral 6, 3-8.